What do different drugs make you feel like or at least what are they supposed to make you feel like?
How hard would it be to physically rip someone's arm off?
What's the most "how the fuck are you alive" case you've ever heard of?
If someone couldn't shit how long until they would die?
How hard to it for carbon monoxide to kill someone?
What wasyour most physically painful experience?
What is a very disturbing crime or incident that almost never gets talked about?
People who have "died" and come back, what do you remember?
What would happen if a woman cut her vagina to her anus to create one big hole?
What were the results from Unit 731's experiments?
When someone does anal with massive toys and deep penetration what is happening with their organs inside? Are they just being moved around or is there a path the toy follows?
How fast does a bullet to the head actually kill someone?
How much of a person could you remove and still keep them alive?
If someone's throat gets slit how long would they have until they bled out?
What are definitive facts we know about death, how it works, what happens after, etc?
What stopped you from ending your life?
What's an easy job that pays surprisingly well?
If someone has their ears cut off can they still hear through the holes that are left?
People who used to be hardcore drug addicts, how did you start and why?
If you've only got 2 adults to build a population, what's the healthiest form of incest genetically speaking?
What is the feeling of being high on hard drugs?
If someone got a small cut that never stopped bleeding, how long would they have before bleeding out?
[Baltimore Sun] Jacoby Jones, former Ravers WR and star of Super Bowl 47, dies at age 40
How would you introduce your significant other to your kinks?
How can I (25M) introduce my girlfriend (23F) to my kinks without disgusting or scaring her away?