Imperator Titan
How do you differentiate binge between indulgence?
Which high rise is the best?
What are your trigger foods?
Did my own take on the End Ship
End Ship Remake
My take on the End Ship
Star Wars vehicles in Minecraft - which is your favourite of these?
The big ole Trump flags on trucks have gone missing. Where are they?
Looking at past US election results prior to 2000s, why were the results less even than today. You would have someone winning 70-90% of the electoral votes half the time?
how much actual weight have you guys gained on a binge?
You have the power to remove one song from existence and nobody will remember it. What song do you choose?
Steven Seagal is polyamorous for cheeseburgers
I made a bamboo/ kelp farm last night with similar designs, but the kelp farm stands out to me a bit too much. Any feedback on how to make it fit in better or should I go with another design so it's different from the bamboo farm?
If you could watch one movie for the first time again, which one would it be?
what are some signs or symptoms of BED?
How do you stop after a normal meal?
New to building, Any help? I'm trying to make some sort of "Village" inside the sides of the mountains with maybe something in the lake? I'm surrounded by 4 villages in the close vicinity.
First Mesa House
Finished Front gate
Building the Sinnoh region, any feedback?
Demolish this guys for make way for others?
Village Feedback, also looking to make it more lively/detailed. Got houses, farms, and minor details like fountains and shops and wells. Any advice?
How to write a fantasy story?
I created two characters. Now how do I get them to fuck each other?