Would yall say this is a good use of points?
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
Is there anyway to make my eyes look less tired? I would also greatly appreciate removing the acne. Thank you so much!
Fix my hair line? Lol…
What Undertale character is this?
19M I am an army medic, love my job, and I’m high on life. Take me down a peg.
What goons quote would fit this
36M, feeling unattractive. Confirm my fears.
Had a dream about a can that looked like this. Needs a flavor and name
What’s the worst kid name?
Uncountable bubbles from this Bubble Gun.
[deleted by user]
Thanks, I Hate M.C. Escher Stairs
A turtle I found. Can you give him a name?
Who the fuck names their kid Gilbert
My husband took a bite out of the butter and just put it back.
I made this blizzard thing, idk what else to do with it. I think it looks good though :D
Remembering ps3 games day 14: The Saboteur
Cell superiority
Which Xbox 360 is the best in terms of design?
Bought a new PS3!
This room used to be occupied by the previous owner’s teenage (13M) son
I used the dog’s toothpaste yesterday.
Why do I draw these things
Wife left my last can of bubly in the deep freeze