Fuzz Face Schematic Analysis
My First Pedal Was Just Released
Look at my pretty wooden distortion.
One of my 5 week old buff Orpington chicks just jumped onto me… young rooster attack or are they just *that* friendly?
Bill Burr slams Israel’s ‘human shield’ argument in his new special, “if i’m mad at my neighbor, and I want to beat the shit out of him, but he’s holding a baby right, I wouldn’t come in and try to punch him through the baby”
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
I'm going to make a Bonchi out of this, I must
Been fighting aphids, I think we made it through!
What did my hen just lay??
Too leggy?
What is going here !?
Sheriff Watches On and Does Nothing as Unidentified Men Brutally Assault Former Idaho House Candidate Teresa Borrenpohl at Kootenai County Event
Someone tried to get my show cancelled - at the venue that I own.
What’s this moldy looking clumps of feed in my feed bag that I purchased 2 months ago
Who are the “ICONS” in the teaser
Gen Z, is this true or ignorant?
"The next generation of Moog products will push boundaries while remaining rooted in the craftsmanship and creativity that defines the brand": Moog at 60, from the ladder filter to the Labyrinth
Florida Jew opens fire, injures 2 visiting Israelis he thought were Palestinians
Jerry Seinfeld: “I don’t care about Palestine”
Amazon removing the ability to download your purchased books
As an American, how do you feel about your future?
Spotify Weighs $6 Premium for Added Features, Access to Tickets
Is this real? Wtf
Suggest a new fucking name for the white house Google Maps