My first Mustang was a '02 Coupe with a V6 that I bought in 2007. Five Mustangs and 15 years later in 2022 I look back with fond memories upon my obsession and progression through my Mustang life.
Just mirin each other very intensely!
Anybody else collect LE challenge coins? As a member of my departments' Honor Guard team I was afforded the opportunity to meet, befriend and work with Officers and staff of many different departments all across our nation and Canada.
Bunches of Custom Cars
Yesterday my local Dollar Store awarded me my first STH of the year.
Rustled up one of the newest steeds to join Hot Wheels Mustang herd and you may want to grab an extinguisher 🧯 because it's on fire 🔥!
On a 2pm afternoon run at target
New to matchbox!
This piece of my Matchbox Space X collection was hands down the most difficult piece to source for the collection.
Whoever is running the kitchen at Paddle Pub is out of their fucking mind. Fifteen dollars???
You interested?
My first ever diorama. How did I do?
I was scrolling TikTok and saw this. Whyyyy would they do that😭
Haven't seen this one before had to snag it!
Cleared my space for a new track
Ford F150 Flareside - customized as child
I’d like to share that I have found the Sky Busters today!
Is there anyone that can tell me an approximate year of production or what promotion these Hot Wheels were created for?
What do these numbers mean?
Walmart helped me add a couple "must haves" to my collection today.
Another Hot Wheels find at my local Ross store m mmlok of all places.
Could I have finally been converted from a steadfast carded collector into a hardcore loose collector?
Somebody please help me decide if I should restore some of these Matchbox Superkings or just leave my dirty mitts off them and let'em age gracefully.
Yakuza hit job
Today’s pickup