Cait Sith
What do you do once you've 100% Chocobo Expeditions?
I’m a sex addict and I went to my first meeting AMA
My girlfriend was on 'girlsdoporn' and my friends give me constant shit about it, AMA
Didn't know this was a thing
How much per photo edit
Just casually crafting upgrade fodder
PSA - don't 90 event weapons
One thing missing from ice Aerith banner
cute or sexy? :)
First post I do on reddit showing cleavage :)
Best SFW subreddits to post in?
Regarding buying upvotes/aged account Reddit
I think it's time for water breach
Where’s Vincent & Yuffie!?
which looks better? one or two? let me know!
What are your thoughts on this character?
Ramuh Weapon Drop Rate Coop (Very Hard 1) vs Very Hard Single Player Before Update
PSA: Nov 19 is Premium Bonus Day, save your premium after daily reset
Me every time I queue into co-op and hit ready
Anyone worried this game might get shut down before they finish the story?
the IX crossover event
You wake up and see me like this. What do you do?