Finance Minister Poudel Faces Backlash for Appointing Unqualified Radha Pokharel to Insurance Authority
Zoro and Luffy vs Mihawk and Crocodile, who wins?
True or False: Tom Aspinall Beats any other UFC HW champion in history
Who wins and what diff?
Has anyone in UFC history had a tougher average quality of opponent than Michael Chandler?
Bro thinks not getting knocked out counts as winning the fight
Why do swordsmiths get so mad when the slayers they work for break / chip their swords / weapons?
The Strongest Man in the World vs The Demon Slayer, who's the better representation of the word "STRONGEST"?
Shanks with a Butter Knife vs Current Zoro
Reminder: Strongest Man in the world is White-Beard, not Roger or Garp
This attack would 1 tap all admirals at once.
Admiral vs Admiral, Old Gen Vs New Gen.
Team Emma vs Team Hawkeye, Zoro and Oden vs Mihawk
Zoro and Oden vs Kaido
We appreciate your apology.
The strongest Pirate Crew in history (in their prime) vs the 4 strongest Crews today
Who wins and why?
Zoro and Fujitora vs Mihawk
Supernovas vs Whitebeard and Roger’s
Arman want Gaethje to fight him for the title shot
Who is the strongest character they beat in a 2v1 ?
Dragon shows up at Marineford with his crew to stop the war instead of Shanks. What happens ?
GSP trains them for a year. Who’s going to beat Jon Jones?
Can this team beat JoyBoy Shanks?