This store is dedicated to people united by their courage to serve our country.
I'm so done with people calling me a "simp" because of the way I treat my girlfriend
The first gaslighter of history
Monster's Convent #62 - Consequentia
[WP] When the call went out for a dragon hunter you expected grizzled and seasoned warriors to answer it. Yet the only hunter to heed the call was a particularly scrawny teenager who looked like they could barely hold up a sword.
POV: Your class got held hostage
Good news for those planning to travel to US?
Malaysia not included in draft list of proposed travel ban countries by Trump administration.
Wanita terkejut air limau dijual dengan harga RM10 secawan
What Dune video game lets you take part in the world in a realistic way faithful to the books?
This packing go into plastic or metal in recycle place?
Can we all agreed this is getting out of hand? Whatever happen to preventing misinformation and scam?
That cutscene always strikes a chord
25-year-old man was arrested for allegedly punching a motorcyclist at a traffic light in Kota Shahbandar
Offlane feels unplayable if the pos 4 doesn't block the small camp?
Low-income Malaysians must work longer than low-income in other countries for basic food items, UM study reveals
Drop Site News reports that so far this morning, Israel has killed 237 people in Gaza.
(Rant) Wife denied from getting food at Taco Bell.
A beluga whale from the bottom
Dear Muslims of KL, is it disrespectful if I shoot video at the mosque?
Humans will damn themselves and become monsters to save the ones they love
White House's Leavitt: "It's only because of the United States of America that the French aren't speaking German right now."
How can she Slap with subtitles
Buying butterfly as pos1 against high magical damage
True tho
Got scammed by “influencer”