Neck Peg won't fit in head sculpt.
How do you remove the connector things for Gt goku's legs?
How much cc do you guys have for cell
What's your cc count?
How does freezer know about dinosaurs? Is he a zooarchaeologist?
tell me your favourite lf or normal win screen and i'll rate it from 1-10 (preferably with an image)
Can anyone help with this issue?
Which anime character are you reviving?
What do YOU think the next Ultra should be?
Why are the power levels different? Is the scouter broken?
Doki Doki
We're definitely getting an Ultra Cell 🙏
Does he still hold up?
How much storage does Dokkan take?
How good is dokan battle right now?
Son & Father
Got my goat
Prob a dumb question
Did anyone notice this detail on the FNAF 1 Poster?
Anyone know the name of this?
What DB figure should I pair him up with?
What the heck was going on in Universe 9 for it to be half the number of 7’s!?
Worth a rotation in this meta?