How common is English in Prague? Don't want to assume can or can't speak, don't want to be rude.
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Anyone you can actually talk to about dying alone?
Caleb girlies, how are you strategising your pulls for future birthday/myth/quint banners?
Comment a pic of your MC and I'll guess who your main LI is
Is it true that the more past relationships/breakups someone's been through, the more jaded they become?
Anyone started doing OMAD for practical reasons??
omad + sugar free drinks
Lidi bez titulu, jakou máte práci, kde berete 40k čistého?
Let's face it rerun banner monetisation is bad
It's scary to be single in this economy
About the age concerns, LADs is rated age appropriately according to gaming standards
His 24 Hour Schedule
What card do you most want a rerun of?
6th Love Interest inspired by Final Fantasy characters? Who is your choice? 🤔🤔🤔
Did anyone from this subreddit meet Tom in person? What is he like?
Rumored sixth LI
The 6th male lead should be…
Does anyone else think their MC looks awkward during certain poses, especially when their mouth is open? 🙈
dragons worth it or do I save my sc for future horses??
I didn’t know they could decline
What are some of your dream updates?
How telling my friends about the game made me typing this as i cry myself to sleep
American considering Czech Republic bc I'm scared
Anyone here who downloaded the game for Sylus and stayed for Sylus?