I wish I could play all classes in bgs without the need to level and gear
I have a bunch of alts and want to make them conc alts
So frustrating, how am I supposed to catch up on these knowledge points? They're gated behind limited patron orders
PTR Arms Warrior Animations Are a Downgrade – Please Listen to the Community!
I want to play cat quest 2 but mew mode from the start
How are enchanting consumables/reagents being sold for significantly less than the mat costs
Weekly: I Screwed Up Saturday
What do you do to get back in the saddle when you lack motivation?
We should really unnerf some Wild stuff
Low APM classes
Still can't find m+ or raid groups because group finder is bugged.
New hotfix: Mythic N'Zoth and G'huun are now completely soloable
Saving my teammate from an assured death
What's a deck you just hate playing against even if you know it's just not good?
Last time I asked for advice on Ana because in 4 games I lost all off them. Well, it worked. Thanks guys
Mephisto tips
I got a new thing to cry about. Yet another card you can't interact with.
Piccadilly garden Reno plans
How to win turn 5 against DH (x3 glacial advance)
Why is their so much lifesteal in this game now?
Turn 4 fair and balanced
Thoughts on tendril priest?
Anyone have a decent tendril warrior deck?
29.0.3 Patch Notes
What’s a card you thought would see more play on rotation?