Okarun, stop wearing that outfit
Coaxed into kids on the internet, no seriously, ban kids from social media.
Nicola Scott on updating Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor's relationship
What if mark grayson was in the battle of beacon?
Revoke OPs chefs license, do NOT let them cook again
I know I already made a post today... However
They really got a white, blonde women to say this line
I mean... If you put it that way... Yeah... The race swap does completely recontextualize Snape's character... And not in a good way.
Drive in movies artwork by (Gabriel Picolo)
Goth women in cartoons/video games
Apparently 22 isn’t an adult. Why does Gen Z infantilize adults?
What if actually the laser is slow?
Best "popular, but canonically never took off/confirmed" ships?
X men vs Asians
Holdback man saving all of marvel
Whose powers would you rather have?
God damnit not another one
Absolute Trinity From DC Comics
He unironically would be a cool tank to counter Cap
(Hated Trope) Crossovers that were blatantly mostly written by the team of one of the shows
Is it just me or did this seem massively disrespectful lol?
There is something so hilariously absurd about the team making 45 minutes of the most unhinged gorefest imaginable, but still making sure Eve's nips aren't visible even for one frame.
Enough of X-Men slander! Time for Wakanda slander! (featuring my friend, he is the green)
has starfire always taller than robin?