What is the least impressive released song since Alex joined the band?
Which album trilogy do you prefer? 'Old' or new Trivium?
What's your favorite bass-heavy song-part in Triviums discography?
Say something nice about this album
What’s y’all’s hot takes? I’ll start:
What's you're favorite song by Trivium?
did you also notice that silence in the snow (album) is not as loud as the other albums in triviums discography?
If there is ever a reason that I stop playing Dayz it’s the following…
How do you rank the Third Eye Blind albums?
How would you rate the albums by heaviness?
As a Disturbed fan I hear Draiman's influence on the band even on Silence in the Snow
Ranking the previous 3 albums 3 best songs
What is Triviums best guitar solo?
I still think shogun is peak, change my mind
He is legend I am Hollywood