Got this at the Gem and Mineral show in Denver a few weeks back.
I’m 15 days sober. I hope the other sober Chefs are doing alright out there
Psychs After Rehab for Hard Drugs
Racist asks Canadian to go Back to India because he doesn’t look “Canadian.” Racist dies inside when she realizes the Canadian can speak French and she can’t.
Disappointment, a portrait. It started raining on the way to the trail :(
Very classy sign
How can I make my ice cream more like the consistency of Hagen Daz?
A lesson
This quote hit me hard with the coming election. Great words to live by.
Four college volleyball teams forfeit against San José State over possible trans player
Crafted Something Sweet Just for You
Bulk Cookie Dough
Who do you watch or listen to in order to fill the Bourdain void?
How to help my addicted friend?
Zeppole - Make Fresh Italian Donuts in Only 9 Minutes!!
Here is a special pair of AF1 designed with Peyotes 🌵
Strawberry tarts
Looking a little green, should I shock it? /s
Curious to hear your thoughts on our tropical project, nestled amongst the trees in Costa Rica.
This fasciated male sago palm cone.
What is this weird mass growing on my palm tree?
Mods should stop locking political posts
Psychedelic user, what’s your theories of what happens after death?
NY pizza reigns supreme
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