Kula Shaker debut album
Why do the digital artists I see only use Apple?
How is the correct X-Men run from MacKay?
What would you want from his next 3 movies?
Why is there not a rating/review feature on the app?
Bristol traffic solution, Air rail system ?
Air rail system
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 10
Was anyone satisfied with the way sabretooth died
Quarter-century with the Devil
Anyone struggle to draw when unemployed?
Anyone else confused by their reactions? (Uncanny X-Men #6 2024)
Just got rejected from art college
I need to improve on my backgrounds - got any great tips or resources?
What’re the best beginner “one and done” omnibuses?
How to balance work and creating?
Some fan art I did in anticipation of Born Again
Underrated BritPop Bands That Deserve More Love ! Can you share any hidden gems ?
I just joined Reddit, so I thought I’d share my X-Men art here.
I always thought the "Tales of the Black Freighter" story was made to represent Rorschach or the Comedian.
Does the whole Krakoan clone thing not sit well with anyone else?
Bin collection frequency
Learning to draw comics
Does anyone else think Guy Gardner is an underrated Green Lantern compared to the others?
How has the UK ended up so dirty?
Avengers By Busiek Omnibus