H: GSBQ W: Offers
H:pounders 4 star box mod W:leader offers
H: Demon W: Buffoon or Hag
H: gsb W: leaders or other apparel
H: hag mask W:leaders
W:hag masks H:35 leaders
H: gturkey,galien , ghb,gsb, Brahmin , fiend, and hag and winter man W: offers!
H: gturkey, grobot, ghb, gbd, Brahmin (2x), fiend, and hag W: offers!
What is everyone running for builds nowadays?
H:swift core receptacle,motorized butter churn plan,giants red dinosaur,giant red brontosaurus,hellfire v2 leg paint plans W:leaders will negotiate prices
H: Limit Breaking, Tankys, Bruisers, Fencers, Miasmas, Pyro, Scanners, Stabilizers W: Sawbones, Rad Powered, Choo Choos
H: Gabe gsbq gsb w: offers (no leaders)
H: fash Masks W: leaders
H:stinging core receptacle plan and swift core receptacle plan W:leaders
H:glowing uni W: glowing mask offers
H: Urban scout mask W:forest map and mire treasure map offers
How much is a tfj worth
H: father winter helmet paint W: nothing
H: glowing masks. W: offers.
H:glowing unicorn W:mask and apparel offers
H: Good riddance Fasnacht W: Giveaway
H:deathclaw mask W: looking for other masks I need the hag,feind,winter man masks
H:glowing honey bee W:mask offers
H:glowing robot mask W: offers
Tragedy and Triumph in 3 acts