New Anime Announced/ Oshi No Ko
Mobseku Update Manga Ain't Dead Yet
Trapped In A Dating sim light Novel Ends, More July Anime
anime news 2nd season Announcements, More new Anime Announcements
My first time doing a vlog vid like this will have me and my brother building experience in vid at some point as well have the footage just need to get started on the project had to use multiple different cameras so may have varying resolutions because of a 720p camera
Micro center trip
Fallout 4 Vertibird Mod
Been doing some fallout 4 Modding Vids on Tick Tock If you Guys are interested in Modding Check Them Out I use (Nexus Mods) Vortex Tool
Finished My PC Build will Have Vids soon on My Vlogs Channel, Detailing My experience
Pokémon Champions Trailer
pokemon presents
Pokémon presents
Maison ikkoku is pretty good to but what got me in to anime is definitely inuyasha
Just posted a image poll on YouTube what’s your guys favorite Takahashi anime (I just watched Ranma recently it’s pretty good Netflix did a reboot of the series with 12 ep but I Recommend the original)
Will be upgrading my pc next
upgrading my setup recently
Anime ends first season at ch 21 in the manga so if you’ve seen the anime that’s were I’d leave off at there are 97 ch so far
In the mean time I’ve been reading grand blue dreaming manga ( if you guys never read it before I highly recommend it it has an anime and it’s getting a second season (first season of the anime is not dubbed but is highly worth watching if your into comedy)
So (Update) my moms doing fine she came back home last night they think it was a blockage that lead to a Tia but will still be taking a couple weeks off from making vids (will keep you guys posted on when i start making vids on schedule again)
you guys supporting my content makes my channel happen and though I don't get paid for any of my vids i enjoy doing it thanks so much for supporting my channel (I'm definitely not done with youtube just taking another break in the mean time)
will post updates on my Anime news twitter for when get back to posting vids again
Not gonna lie these last 2 months have been months from hell),with my next door neighbor and friend of the family passing away and a fight that broke out in my front yard between his brothers the next day (gun was pulled) and now this
I’m prob gonna be absent from youtube awhile guys my mom got rushed to the hospital yesterday will be back at some undetermined date
will be taking a break this Monday will be back Nov 11( don't worry continuing to make you tube vid just taking breaks for mental Health)
back with the anime news