Does anyone else feel like everyone here is super tall?
Don’t Do Crack Kids
can anyone give movie recommendations for psychiatric patients
“Safety and rigid protection” ended up looking like mommy bought me a gps kiddie watch so I won’t get lost, lmao.
Possible to make the move from CA
Holy shit. But this was bound to happen
Upgraded from S7
Elevation Not Updating
Going from Series 9 to Ultra 2
1 hour commute to make 150k per year
Keep watching?
Won't be surprised if From gets canceled
Weekly burnout check in
Online psych masters: do i need to be in the state of my program to do my internship?
I feel like such a looser at the moment...
What is living in Western Nebraska like? Have Wyoming as my current plan, but curious about Western Nebraska and the Valentine area. What is the region like?
How to find research opportunities?
Incorporating Movement
Concerned About PhD Application Prospects with No Research Experience
Feeling Lost and Unsure About Grad School – Help Needed
In a Masters program right now, looking to go Doctoral after finishing... feels like I'm losing my mind. Any advice?
Post Your Prospective Questions Here! -- Monthly Megathread
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