Let's settle this
Who wins?
What does my 4 main say about me
Why lol
If you could reshuffle the couples in Naruto, who which couple would you create?
Unpopular opinion but alien x loses to just about every other reality warper in an actual fight
This used to make me happy all the time.
What does my current 3 mains say about me?
What do my main 3 picks say about me?
Bruh. Two same posts within the same minute from different person. Please stop...
What are some forgotten 10/10 animes you rarely see people talk about
The Cock Piece Is Real
Racist Zoro
Which sub can i find real one piece in?
Favorite female character that wears pants?
So.... Is she ever gonna do anything?
What’s this anime?
saw someone else do this. any recommendations based on my tier list of anime ive seen?
For The last, which anime is about Man VS Author
What are the most beautiful eyes in anime?
Oh the irony
Sponge bob was done with humiliations from larry so started to take creatine sadly he didnt gain any muscles
Helluva Boss is unironically my favourite adult Cartoon of all time (there goes my karma)
Where to post?
Where do i post this?