What's a Deck that's performed better than you expected?
Budget bracket 2 deck
Does Kessing Flamebreather work with Veyran voice of duality?
Least favorite cards in the format
Does Spark's Double and Felidar Guardian make an infinite loop?
I have a friend that wants to fully read every. single. card. being played, making the game a slog to play
How much info should I give on GY cards?
Can an Aura be enchanted if it has been turned face up?
Cruel Entertainment question
Finally it is done
You're playing with your friends and they send Decorated Knight onto an adventure
What happens with the token of Life of the Party when the creator dies?
Recursion for Azorius?
Nintendo 3ds or nintendo switch
Velociramptor Precon is way overpriced, should I just buy the cards individually?
does the token created by Stroke of Midnight count for Idol of Oblivion?
Message from the producers - Thanks and to Solistia!
It looks pixelated
The cards people make are so creative, then there's me.
Why is the Firefox discussions almost always so emotional?
can I use a changeling Instant from my graveyard with Sidar?
Should I bother with this game?
If you could make anything you want a magic set (within reason) what would you make?
Best pirate precon?
Question about Witch's Mark