Is there anyway I can make the controls on the re-releases similar to AC6?
How do I use shoulder laser.
New Raven reporting in! Just got the game this Spring Sale!
First playthrough, decided to get FoR out of the way first, Ayre's beating my ass, Help.
Can someone explain why I'm getting matched against S RANKS!?
A sad Story
Laptop stuck on main menu screen...
After getting all the three endings, I feel like 621 carried the entire history on his back, what would had happen if he wasn´t a factor in Rubicon?
Was this upgrade worth it? Can I use it again?
Shadowheart statue. 1/10 scale. Printed and painted by me.
I would've been Toast
how do I open this
Friday Feb 28 Economic Blackout! Are you in???
Mods that help quality of life and not "cheat"
Come outside we not gonna jump you
I usually explore all dialogue paths but... nah, not those
Reading quest/non quest Letters/items
The best duo no doubt.
Why do some bodies Glow Green?
Just fell to my knees in a taco shop
Started 1st playthrough on Tactician-no commentary. Enjoy!
Anyone interested in watching my first playthrough of Baldurs Gate 3? I just started and will be playing as a rogue
How do you guys stay motivated enough to finish the game?