Piers Morgan the "liberal"
Mr. Beast Has Diarrhea
Those missiles in Yemen hit civilians.
My mother is insane
Ship fires missiles at Yemen after order from Trump
olives covered in pasta sauce (it was really good)
Please watch,,Southern fried rabbit"(also,,Looney tunes:the day the 🌎blew up")
"I don't want AI to do my art so I can do my laundry and dishes. I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so I can do my art."
Exclusive: How the White House ignored a judge's order to turn back deportation flights
Destiny is asking us to Rise Up! It’s time boyz! Our duty to never make a republican lawmaker feel comfortable again!
Justin Trudeau ex prime minister of Canada current dictator lol
The Weeb Genocide has begun
Brick Lane, London
Gynna det lokala - käka hos Sibylla (eller annan svensk kedja)!
As a leftist what the duck is this
En granskning av Henrik Jönsson - lögnare eller sanningssägare?
Asmongold addresses his recent clip.
Trump up, Dems down in new polls
Gay of Islamic State
Biden won't declare a dictatorship after losing the election, right? Right?
Maj. Gen. Charles Calvin Roger's "medal of honor Monday" page has been deleted by the DOD, and the URL now reads "DEI medal of honor".
Little shows the moral depravity of MAGA as much as their gleeful support of cutting PEPFAR
After catastrophic flooding ravaged the Appalachian Mountains, Trump's administration has ignored all requests for aid
Konstantin Kisn DOGWALKS Bimbo Dave Smith for shitting on WW2 historian 🍿