Jobbig tid i livet, tips på snabb och lättlagad mat?
i thought it was a myth
Hushållsprodukter som är "gold standard"?
Trivia time! What are the best obscure references that you knew/ looked up?
Vart kan man köpa Milka?
Maurice Comics #869
What's a cartoon which actually had it's legacy damaged from going on so long?
What is the dumbest line in the show that makes you laugh to yourself?
Ring dina far/morföräldrar
Which Video Game personifies this?
Nice story 😂😂
What works best for you to brush your paps teeth? Front teeth are fine but the back is really a struggle
Mads Mikkelsens kritik mot filmsverige: "Den duktige storebrodern"
New Airpods cheaper than repair
Do those records have shitpost value?
Monster prank
Med inspiration från r/Ireland så tänkte jag skapa liknande grid - Bästa svenska komikern - Kommentaren med flest röster efter 24 timmar kommer att läggas till i nätverket
r/Ireland grid - Best Irish song - Top voted comment after 24 hours will be added to the grid
The snood I made to keep ears out of food
Fortsätt bojkotta Marabou
My boy Brutus
The four seasons of Pixel
Soccer tournament at King's Landing
Pixel wont chew on his bone unless I hold it for him