Ummm whatt👀💀!?!!??
Questions about the calender.
Does valorant offer any free skin?
Any idea in what this strange sound effect is? (And how to remove it?)
Can we get the option to convert Ores as well?
What the hell?
I love hockey, im so glad its in ranked!🙂
Is this a spelling mistake?
Is it just me or does this map look like the bad german symbol?
Could you 100% my TH15 farming base?
Weekly Questions Megathread
Age verification
Was this really necessary?
Wth is this?
Free builder potion in Supercell shop
What i should i upgrade first to unrush (building)
Why is night witch at level 9, i just unlocked it?
Careful, they're asking your age!
Why Is This Necessary?
Anybody else got the builder's apprentice saving more time than his entire existence?
I hope that all of you know this.
When SC gonna bring Minion prince skin, he’s ruining my vibe..
ranking all mythic skins because i can (my opinions btw)
Aesthetically looking good townhall level in your opinion.
I'm Strategically Rushing I Just Want My Base Design Rated