Shoutout to this guy having a drink with his Lechonk.
Was sind eure LAN Party Spiele Klassiker?
[Gen 3] Shiny Pinsir via Game Corner SR
Wish me luck
Receive Flying-Tera Type Eevee!
Count Dooku
[OC] Drew sleepy mews
What Ball did you catch Quaquaval in (and what did you use for the others)?
Gronkh wieder bei 2BoredGuys. Freue mich auf die Reaktion 😂
Appreciation post for Smietana
Don't Take my Hextech Chests please....
Jackpot! - Let's GholdenGO! Erfahrungen
[Gen 4] The lord of the underworld is shiny and it's mine
[gen 8] My first shiny hunt
I'm just a simple sausage, trying to make my way in the universe
After blood tears and sweat and 16 hours i finally restored the true Roman Empire
Now I have all 3 Hoenn shiny legendaries!
Unpopular Opinion - Cyndaquil is the cutest starter. (Not the best but the cutest)
Flavoured crab or crab flavoured
After 16 years...
haha so funny
Feeling Rich
Perfect ditto spawned in dinamax raid
Help! Why aren’t my switches connecting?