Found a 32” WEGA on the side of the road near my house. Do the blue edges mean it’s kinda cooked?
Picked up a 900 in 1, any suggestions?
I have never played a GoW game before!
From which team you are ? Digital games or 💿 ?
I’ve been gaming since the 80s but somehow never took time to play any Doom games…is this one a good place to start? I noticed it’s on sale on the PlayStation store…thanks
[FIGHT THREAD] David Benavidez vs David Morrell, Brandon FIgueroa vs Stephen Fulton, Isaac Cruz vs Angel Fierro, Jesus Ramos vs Jeison Rosario + prelims + live coverage?
Picked this up yesterday at Hobby Lobby…remember getting this game as a kid and being completely hooked…such a classic!!! This started the Kart Racer genre.
on of my family members are going to give me this xbox one
New Sneeks
Xbox positivity thread. Tired of all the braindead doom n gloom over Xbox, post something nice about this beast.
One last adventure with an old friend
I guess I should probably get a series S 🤔
Sold the ps5 and picked up this Good Boy instead
Sold the PS5 and picked up this bad boy instead.
Hello friends…looking to play Sly Cooper for the very first time…I have a PS5 and PS3…so do I go with the HD Collection on the PS3 or go with the PS5 versions? What will provide the best experience and do they both offer platinum trophies? Thanks.
Does anyone here make shirts?
Skewer is the BEST Weapon in Halo Infinite
Whaddya think about my 360?
guys, I need help
Would this TV work for the Xbox
Finally got my Halo tatt!
New shell for the console and controller.
I’m spilt in 3 I need help
Xbox series S help me decide!
Best mortal kombat oat