How far does Yoriichi get into your favorite verses?
your phone wallpaper is what protects you from the feds, how based are you?
Do you hate the y word
Can someone explain to me why bleach is powerscaled super high?
Spirits, what's better than an orgasm?
An anime character who deserves their fate but you still felt sad for them?
What are you gonna choose?
Who is the best Skylanders villain?
My version of miku!
[Cosplay] Let the Miku Be With you (My Hatsune Miku Cosplay)
What would your username be without these letters?
Giving you a deadly sin and heavenly virtue based on your avatar
Show me your fourth your picture in your camera roll
Do it. If it’s too horny to post, type your username with your eyes closed!
Fun Skylander ship doodle
What kinds of Shenanigans do you imagine the Skylanders getting up to in the human world when no one is looking?
I removed kaos's makeup
What Class Should I Pick?
If a Skylanders game got a true sequel, which one would you choose?
Chompy wins
made a tier list based on a stupid image that popped into my head
Toys for Bob website is down?
Guys I found who nattybumpo is