H: Enclave Reflex sight W: fuel, dr bones, ultra 45 ammo, and/or troglicide
H: Glowing Bobbleheads W: To know why they don't glow
H: B2B snake runs to boost to 100 on scoreboard W: 20 coffee/15 Sunshine oil per kill
H: leaders W: Edwin’s key
H:Full set Glow Bobbles W:Bobby Pin Offers
Confessions of a Bobby Pin Collector ***Giveaway 2.5***
H:20k Bobby pins W: just to see what yall would offer.
Confessions of a Bobby Pin collector ***Giveaway #2.5***
H:500k Fuel W:5k Bobby Pins.
What is the best xp build and things for 100k xp expeditions
H: Robot Raid spam W: to help someone get some free stuff
H: Leaders, W: EN06 B2B farm
H:B2B Robo W:50 Leaders/hr
H:PinPointers W:15 leaders per
H: AFK ENO6 farm W: Offers
H:Pin Pointers W:15 Leaders each
H: leaders W: reflective and pinpointers
H:Pin Pointer Mods W:15 leaders each
H: caps W: pepper shaker plan
H: 2 Reflective W: 4 Pin-Pointers
H:b50c25 elders mark w:offers
W: .45 ammo H:im not sure what ammo goes for so offer?
H:Unrolled Level 1 Pink, Indigo and Yellow Baseball Bat Set W:Non Leader Offers
H: Glow Alien W: 350 Leaders or nice bundle of non glows
[xb1] H:caps W: furious mod