What is with the world?
I wish sex never existed
26M - Feel so unattractive. Need some love. Forgive me forgetting how to spell toast for a second..
Any tips on how to get my lobe piercings to heal?
People are telling me to get a nose job - would it make me more pretty?
What is the last song you listened to???
Name 1 thing you are addicted to.
AITAH for buying a cross necklace when I’m not christian?
AITAH? Spoke to a girl in a party, girlfriend is near breakup
Please watch out for weird people on discord and snapchat
First impression and advice [19 M]
Name a movie where the first 10 minutes hooked you completely.
Mark got married
If you were to be a padawan then who would you want as your Master???
Please watch out on discord
Guys heres me cuz yes
Honest opinions on me?;m
nvm guys, i broke up with her...
What's your favorite number?
My name is Coo
Omfg 😭🤮(last ones a pic of him)
I voted for Donald Trump because I'm _______.
Gaming after 30
Guys what's is your type