this is what Estonia would look like if it was emo. just a glimpse into my dark reality
Favourite under rated games? I'll go first;
favorite Porter song(s) from each album?
Since today is the first day of spring for most people, what are some of your favourite songs that fit the Spring vibe? (My Submission included)
Need Help Please!!!
Sorry to burst the bubble on the Knebworth gig
what's your oddly specific favourite line in any of Porter's songs?
Porter Robinson cover?? 👀👀
Like A Version cover song release this Friday 21st March (Australian date)
Indie game's 'lesbian toggle'
video from concert start?
Which Porter song do you like more?
Just discovered persona 5 has alternate endings and now i'm scared about getting a bad ending
I just want to see smile world tour again
Me every time I listen to Goodbye to a World 🥰
I love/hate this song
[Gen 4] I am livid
My new phone wallpaper from Friday night. Thought I'd share if anyone else wanted it.
Thank you manchester. I love you so much.
Cute proposal green flag 🇸🇦
Anyone else think posts like this do not belong on the sub? This is not only out of character but the subject matter itself is really weird and may I say, mean?
shiggy got my text!
I made Jimbo/Joker card in low poly!
Anyone bugged by the fact they chose 2 Gen 2 starters instead of making the other from another gen?
Pokemon Champions Announced