My Cobblestone Farm
Mods for young kids to play KSP?
Five years ago, I posted my Factorio planner notebook. Now, after SA, it is complete.
I'm really curious but people who use life support how much differently do you have to build ships for going to places like Jool or planets from the outer planets mod or even interstellar.
Free games similar to Factorio?
Prototech style design
Dear developers (part 2)
Dynoisia II
My first ship in SE2
[SE2] 25cm detail cargo container inspired by Eve-Online
Bounty hunting; Collecting materials from kiled ships; collector limpets die on first use
I think gleba wouldn't be as annoying if this deadlock wasn't possible:
What do you think about the plan to release the game for free?
It's far into the future, we should have in-cockpit cameras to view behind your ship or different angles. This can help with viewing what Thargoids or Bounty Hunters are chasing you while you maneuver
Why mining?
5 stratum tectonicas in one system
Its getting worse.
An Apollo Command Module in Orbit - From Dean on Discord
First time playing Create, first time building a locomotive. How'd I do?
Atomic Bomb Ship (Viable)
Bait and Flying. Feels like cheating.
What is the thing you wish you knew when you started Factorio?
I never thought I’d love mining, now I can’t get enough of it.
what is consider a megabase now in 2.0
How do you cope with having no one amongst your friends playing factorio with you?