His knees are about to implode
Got the 9!
255 3 sets 5 reps bench
Boots climbing up the stairs, and silk slippers descending.
Just started the book series a week ago. On the third now. People drop like they’re in the Survey Corp 😔
Quick Play is so fun when you’re trying to get better with a different hero 🥹
What is the Arabic word for water?
Do you listen to music while reading?
People in QP are so nice! (TW: Language)
So I have finally caved and bought and started to read (morelike consume) House of Leaves. I have a few questions.
Remember kids it's okay to smurf as long as you're a streamer
Do you know how much time it takes for audible to translate the book?
19M(6'2,188cm)(71-72kgs,157-158lbs) should I bulk or cut more before starting bulk? Any estimate of bf %? Sorry I don't know how to pose properly.
Agonizing comment
What bundle of emojis can depict any scene from the RR series
What is your emblem in For Honor?
Bodybuilding for teenagers, is it different?
This man is fearless
What is the second-last letter?
What song got you like this
Ella Harper, 1885
Man the charts were not like this back in 2016-2020. Country music really taking over?
How to deal with *Extremely* sweaty opponent when you are smaller?
Why is my overhead press 2x my bench
I don't understand how to get good at Dive tanks, specifically Dva