What Funko pops (around $20 or less) should I put in these boxes to make it look good??? Ignore the stickers 😭💀
Little update on my custom Renaissance Vulture glider
If you could add a new Pokémon typing to the game what would it be
I wonder where these guys are from??
I guess people at Toy Story mania in Disney didn’t like lightyear
Say at least ONE good thing about this game.
What obscure marvel characters u wanna see in the mcu?
What was your biggest laugh in the MCU so far?
CrAzY MeMe GuYs (It’s funny cause nobody hates Kanto)
The debate of the century
What food from The Simpsons would you be willing to try??
Who would you add to this lineup? (Heroes only)
Tell me I’m wrong…
Does anyone know what pokemon shiny tinkaton's hammer is made of my gues is cuffant or Copperajah
Looking for someone to trade my slowpoke with a kings rock to who’ll trade it back to me
I have a slowpoke with a kings rock, I just need to trade it and then get it traded back to me
What's the rarest thing you have?
In the Christmas haul I got animated series wolverine do I had to do the meme
The 2 best water starters
When You Have A Good Streak In Trainer Battles But Then This mf Pulls Up
[9th] LF: Ceruledge
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
I know most people got violet but I’m still gonna try and trade some of my violet exclusives for scarlet exclusives and I have one fuecoco I’ll trade to someone
I’m trading away some Pokémon violet exclusives (and a fuecoco) for Pokémon Scarlet exclusives.