What's one thing a therapist has said to you that you will never forget?
[Megathread] Referral Code Sharing and Closed Beta Code Giveaways
Any key left?
WCGW if you enter a press machine with the power on
Austria: Kindergarten worker showed videos of little girls beheading dolls and screaming Islamic State slogans.
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Gewinnspiel : 12 Monate PS Plus Essential Black Friday österreichisches Konto (40,50 € Warenwert)
Weihnachtsgeschenke von Österreichische Firmen
People who went missing, what happened during this time? (serious)
(Halb-)Schwurbler-Ärzte auf der Intensivstation?
i glaub i spinn, gspia di hawara
GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away a $100 League of Legends Gift Card to one comment in this thread
What funny, useful or otherwise memorable gift can be bought for 7,00 € or less?
What funny, useful or otherwise great gift can be bought for 7,00 € or less.
Welche ungewöhnlichen Angewohnheiten haben wir Österreicher aus der Sicht eines Ausländers (Migrant, Tourist, etc.)?
What was the most NSFW moment that happened at school?
Women in the first world are not an oppressed minority
Redditors from foreign countries, what's something us Americans aren't ready to hear?
Pepper spray should also include shellfish, lactose, pollin, bee sting, & peanut debris, to sufficiently incapacitate an attacker.
What is the saddest story you ever witnessed or experienced and which is keeping you awake?
Would you support a "Duty to rescue" law, requiring people to render aid if they witness an accident? Why or why not?
Made during school.
People who got caught having sex at work what happened?
Apart from "life is short" what other lines do you use before making bad decisions?
I spent way too much money on these things as a kid.
[NSFW] What's the most f*cked up thing you've seen?