Proof that Pixel Variants=THEFT
All the Dinosaur Variants this month, and Starbrand gets none for some reason.
Strange how there isn't an Animal variant for Agamotto, considering...
Event and Seasonal reward timeline
How much Gold would you be willing to pay to have the Sanctum Showdown playmat as a selectable alternative to the default asteroid game board of regular games?
What really happened to Eson's Weekend Mission
Need Help with Versus Screen Card Back Glitch (OTA and Reinstalling didn't fix it)
Do you guys have any other Noir Variants? Probably my favorite style so far
What do you think of this Moon Knight variant? I feel like with this specific art mixed with the gold border I got it's in my person top 10 now
Have you ever bought a Variant from this?
When the substitute refuses to leave.
How to wreck Alliance Bounties in One Easy Step and Single Week (I hope they fix this)
Support or Main deck cards?
Does anyone else keep getting this bug?
They're still making these sorts of variants?
The Joaquin Torres Falcon II Experience
I wasn't going to have enough Gold for the Anti Venom bundle in time anyway.
What If...Token Bundles got Worse?
Glenn on Sanctum Showdown's Scroll System
Which card will you try to reach maximum Character Mastery with first?
As someone on main said, it's probably due to the TikTok thing.
For anyone who has never seen a Helicarrier split…
Are we not getting a New Season Trailer this month?