Hardy water bears survive bullet impacts—up to a point | Science | AAAS
7 Altcoins That Should Live Long After The Crypto Bubble Bursts
Dogecoin overtakes Bitcoin (BTC) on a new front
The Hateful Eight: BTG, CEL, FLOW, DGB, STX, NEXO, RSR, BNT – Biggest Losers from April 23rd to April 30th
I am one with the ball.
Climate change: A small green rock's warning about our future
U.S. Economy’s Strong Start Signals a Stellar Year
What is love?
I got a new car today after looking for months!
How serious is this project?
Can someone explain these trades on VRA just now? Are they bots?
0.10 before may first or I'll give 10,000 vra to the top comment.
How to get rich before 30?
Wtf happened? Why the crash?
Cardano is launching on Coinbase Pro
Dego List Price
What Actually Happens when Time Passes? Do We all go Through it at the Same Rate?
Well... bout to break the OT record
Diver being pulled away by a wave
$BOTS – MASSIVE POTENTIAL (+100X GAINS) – Under $3Mil Market Cap!!
Beautiful art by Gabriel Soares
What do you guys think caused that sudden drop?
A message to the paper hands out there
#doge #to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Predictions for a dip today?