Scythes WIP Part II
What movie comes to mind when you see this man?
Pacific Crossing Update! Day 36, still at sea. We crossed the equator & jumped into 4000M/15000 ft deep water. Want to see more epic sailing adventures? Check out the growing r/sailboats community
What heresy
Erebus, by me
A question for the true Nords: Khajiit or Argonian?
Best role Colin Farrell every played
Fellow Veteran-mains, what's your favourite weapon to use, and why?
This could be us...
Brothers, I'm...uh... conflicted
Bro is spy
And this Scaredy-cat wants to save our nation!
Anxious european hoarding American Stout in case the gates between us shuts for good 😖🍺
another tuesday for the Mexican Cartel
If you were Jamie how would you handle this situation?
Man tries to flee after causing a crash, and he instantly regrets it
Favorite class and why
Tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralyzed body.
Can You Describe This Character In One Word?
Favorite domestic abuser who also acts in movies?
What is the first movie that pops into your head when you see Keanu Reeves?
Anyone recognize this symbol?
Octopus retaliation
It was already by your mouth!
Do you think Heath Ledger’s Joker was a War Veteran with PTSD?