Hank Smith on Instagram:
Decaf coffee
How could they do Ronaldo so wrong….
Atheists seem to understand my religion better than anyone else outside it.
understand mormons don’t believe genetics is a real science except when it is, but mormons also reject neanderthals existed?
Spirits, what’s your favourite porn genre?
Co-worker told me to "go to a regular church"
Breakfast sauce (USA)
I think most Christians have an effective disbelief in the Trinity.
Is this religious/cultural appropriation?
I posted on the LGBTQ subreddit saying, "Jesus loves you."...
How to tell my Mormon coworker his favorite menu item has espresso powder in it?
I see your Mormon Indiana Jones and raise you the sequel
Joseph Smith used the same method for translation that he had previously used to locate a toothpick
How quickly could you get baptised?
Is BLM witchcraft?
I Think I Won
LDS Boyfriend Left Me Over Temple Marriage, But He Never Plans to Be Temple-Worthy
Hey, you kids!!! Get off my _____!!!!! 👴🏻
Ouija, what is the sexiest r34?
Anyone else feel like the Bible just drags on and is super fucking repetitive?
Cross question
The Minutes of the Nauvoo Council from June 10th regarding the official declaration of the Nauvoo Expositor as a "Public Nuisance" makes specific mention of the Polygamy doctrine by Joseph Smith himself as Mayor.
At the end of the day, why NOT believe in Adam-God?