Broken Windows, Lock of Love Part III live
Friend group who gets the aux
who in the discord has the best taste?
What is an album that you think is impossible to dislike? Not necessarily your favorite or even a classic, but one you can't imagine anyone disliking even when accounting for subjective tastes
What classic album did not click with you?
Rock and metal fan looking to expand their taste.
Your Karma score at the moment of reading this is the SCP you encounter.
Ask Grey a Question for One Billion Views Q&A
Hi, I’m Keanu Reeves, AMA
[TOMT] Family guy shitpost where Lois says that they can't do cutaways anymore and Peter says "No those are my life force" and disappears.
Music is my favourite thing in existence, my primary hyperfixation, and this seemed like a really fun thing to do, so let’s hear ‘em.
Can anyone tell me the armor pieces he is wearing
Can Someone help me identify the armor pieces in this pic?
claim you're here before 5 year archive trophy V2
Finding this community post on my youtube feed made me realize how many kids can't think for themselves
GPU and Steam Card Giveaway!
Oh Boy
Guys What's the difference between pan and bi
Jotaro ends racism
Attack on Titanfolk Opening
Where should I start reading the manga?
What difficulty should I play halo 2?