All right guys it’s time
Anyone tried these ?
Travelers, which state licenses do you suggest examining for?
Day before holiday dismissal
How old were you when you started?
Vellatello- 23.08/ Terp- 1.43%
Got a job as a low-voltage technician. Now what?
Ayo mac daddy feom gdf lake charles.
talk about dry
Classic Big 80s Hair
Union appreciation post
Does Your Local Have a Strike Fund?
Hope they go all out with the original music score
Meeting attire
New apprentice
Update: 3 months, not going well
More Conduit Porn
Sworn In
Worst JW you’ve had?
Fuck PreFab
is pipe bending disappearing from the trade?
What’s the best thing your journeyman ever did for you as an apprentice?
Any advice on how to start?
Do I have the option to leave?