Poison ivy in Pulp fiction poster by Matt Sandbrook
Wooden hairpin in Batman style. Created by me.
To all you thugs from Gotham city, what was the WORST experience you had with batman? Like as a thug from Central city it cant be that bad, right?
Animal powerscalers be like
I drew some dinosaurs
How do you feel about dickbabs
There are times where its fine
What are your honest opinions on this?
Im not making this up but we cant outrule this possibility
Commissions open!
Even Teen Titans Go has a problem with Jared Leto's Joker
Giving me your honest opinion on this
JP style T. rex
It doesnt matter whether you like him or not but you have to admit its so wild how much of a star Trex is like to this day and he is still coming out strong, (Art credit goes to NazRigar)
Dilophosaurus piece (2 versions) by me
I think it would be neat if there was a game that covered Paleozoic and Cenozoic animals. With the only Mesozoic animals coming from the Triassic.
A new study shows that a region in China's Turpan-Hami Basin served as a refugium, or "life oasis," for terrestrial plants during the end-Permian mass extinction, the most severe biological crisis since the Cambrian period.
Thanks for allowed fangame,meatly:p
Giant Ohiomadillo is gonna be resurrected in 1047379194837104772828471014727194832710
When you buy a cat from Gotham
Who will win in a fight?
Now to this day what are your honest opinions on the inclusion of Hybrids and Mutants in this franchise in general? Like do you think they fit with the themes and were bound to be in the films or you think they just didnt fit?
Guys, hear me out on this.
The American natural history museum corythosaurus casuarius say something good about it