They're missing a perfect opportunity if they don't do this as the Festival headliner any time soon
My cat is going to have his second urinary obstruction in a week and I don't know what to do.
How do you make TTFAF harder? I have some ideas flipping your monitor, blindfolded, upside-down, mirrored and upside-down all at 2.5 speed. Since the song has already been FC'd easily by some but on PC you mess with the monitor in creative ways.
Made a tier list of all the Festival Seasons, opinions?
TPP11: en su segundo año de vigencia, envíos al bloque suben más de 10% y superan los US$14 mil millones - La Tercera
The "Melt" Incident
Juegos "Decepcionantes" pero que a ustedes si les gustó
Canciones chilenas que han envejecido mal
3/13/25 Jam Track Difficulty Rankings! (From @FNFestUpdates)
Used to hate fortnite until they added that one specific skin
My cat has to spend one night without urinating before having a catheter inserted for urinary obstruction.
Blaz, Jugador de Chileno de 15 años, logra segundo lugar en la Capcom Cup
Duda existencial
Blaz, jugador Chileno de 15 años logra segundo lugar en la Capcom Cup
Buscando el RTS casi perfecto
Sobre mi ps5
Should bbno$ Be Added to Fortnite in 2025?
bbno$ might be coming to fortnite (next festival pass skin?)
Hatsune Miku salvaje aparece
creen que el nuevo AC Shadows sea un éxito o un fracaso rotundo?
Update from 2XKO's game director
Recordatorio: Mañana parte la Beta Abierta de Fatal Fury: City of Wolves
I'm feeling a light to decent 7 on this current fortnite season
songs that are (mainly) about cars