The kids are gonna be alright
The Virgin Immigrant in North America vs The Chad Immigrant in Europe
how many of yall (from the united states) sit out the national anthem?
if you love life
"Men are single because they're fascists and have bad personalities"
Question for everyone.
How can I look better?
Say no to roads, bridges, schools and law enforcement
When you see posts like "Oliver saw Nolan and Andressa mating." Or posts like "When she says she's on her period but you low-key kinda like it" (which uses fragment of Mark headbutting Conquest) and realize that Omni man was lowkey right.
I feel like I'm going to get a lot of hate from this... 😭 BUT IDC, I STILL FIND THEM ADORABLE TOGETHER. 💀 ( Also, just finished Season 2, soo.. No spoilers, please! I'm a new fan and new to the community! )
To all fellow Gosling here
Tf happened with the original sub
I... am conquest
How can you tell when somebody lacks media literacy?
The word "terrorism" is being hijacked before our very eyes. Please do not fall prey to propaganda.
what is the hardest image you have on your device?
Stuck a feather in his cap and called macaroni
Does any one here unironically wear fashion from film or TV?
She is real to me
It s a shame this didn't make it into the anime
Don’t worry little grey knight player we have enough rumors about new models to last you a life time
Favorite characters that you would love to have as a girlfriend
My version of worship music.
Straight men who people often assume are gay, how does this affect you?