Best Gynecologist in Cpt?
AITAH for telling her she’s on her own after our dad died?
How much were your salary increases this year?
Why have tea bags become so expensive?
What is your grocery spend guys?
AITAH for telling my sister she’s ruining my wedding by demanding I invite her ex?
Restaurant or Hotel suggestions for a 70th birthday
Looking for a medical aid with decent customer service besides discovery
My Dad died.
Information on abortions
Exactly one day
Close friend passed away
How to memorialize text message?
Can my employer force me to travel internationally?
Safe park to walk my dog?
I miss my family
Gym around Bryanston?
Custom Engagement Ring Cape Town
What’s a word you just fucking hate for no reason?
Hair salons
AITA For not enabling my adult daughter and telling her that I am not paying any more of her tuition unless she can give me the time of day and show me some respect?
Possibke move Cpt to JHB
Is anyone here meal prepping
Moved to CPT a year ago, just doesn’t “click”. Anyone else feel the same?