Zarya hater from r/Overwatch 2
zarya needs to go. i’m tired of playing against her.
Wtf did I find in my pool???
The way she was loading up in the beginning
Duos with Varden Dawngrasp: Which should I have chosen and which tribes solidifies it?
Give your honest take on this movie.
Wish me luck guys, it finally happened
So how's yall day going?
Don't talk to me or my video games ever again, ladies.
Got my 1st funko mates
Who was it for you
What do you think about Dakota Johnson as an actress?
Favourite Ashe voice lines
President Musk thanks VP Trump for announcing he will buy a Swastika car tomorrow because Tesla is being bullied by the “radical left”.
whats your favorite games to play stoned?
Seeing this player icon generally makes me nervous as i assume it as a smurf, am i alone in thinking this ahah.
Who’s this rapper? Wrong answers only
What are some anomalies you haven’t seen yet?
How can I put on the Old banner?
How to counter Zarya except just "dont shoot bubbles"?
Currently watching Fruitvale Station (2013) are American police really this abusive and trigger happy ?
It’s genuinely mind blowing the amount of comp games that end up looking like this. Someone make it make sense.
Is it ever "righty loosey, lefty tighty" ?
What game comes to mind when you see this?
It finally happened to me lol