Season 3 Meredith
What is the story with this girl?
Meredith Marks look alike
I never thought about this I’m crying 😢
Boz reacts to Sutton’s wallet comment to Dorit, “let’s not talk about wallets that don’t belong to you and let’s not talk about successes that don’t belong to you”.
MAYBE it wasn’t Mau in Greece..
This was so sweet!
Kims confessionals in s4 are gold
Autism mom life
Crystal season 11 & 12
BTS reel - Denise & producers
Lisa Vanderpump attitude
Kathy Hilton gives me *nothing*
Moose 🫎
What is your favorite Dorothy quote?
What is your favorite Blanche quote?
Dorothy and Al 😍
Why are there two Golden Girls subs?
Watching Stalked episode(S1E8), I just feel Mariska was actually sleep on this scene.
From the episode "And Then There Was One"
“You shot my vahhhse!”
This Is How You Handle A Broken Vase That Meant The World To You
What's an Unpopular Opinion on Criminal Minds That You Have?
Paint With Diamonds
Season 2 is wild.
What scenes do the girls actually break?