What's going on with USA and eggs?
Two shades of PC gamers
One thing I rarely see people mention that MUST NOT BE in BF6: AI bots replacing players in multiplayer (unless it’s offline mode)
Saber Interactive CEO says Saints Row had to die because the games were too expensive: "The days of throwing money at games other than the GTAs of the world is over"
Because we're that strong!
If you were to recommend one game and only ONE game to someone new to games, which one would it be? Assume that it takes many years for that person to earn enough cash to buy their next game.
Why did destructible environments died with Red Faction?
Thought I’d try something different on gamepass and landed on this….Such a BLAST!!
Deport from where?
We spent around 17,000 hours in primary and secondary school. Was it worth it?
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator(MBTI) tests are harmful pseudoscience.
What’s everyone’s Favourite/ least favourite map in borderlands 3?
Requesting assistance with dynamic widget creation.
Anyone else own none of the top sellers?
Institute ending made me put down the game
What game in 2025 are you most excited for
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
How is Judgment compared to Yakuza and LAD? Is the main guy as fun as Kiryu and Ichi?
Is it just me or do other people also despise Hyperion and Maliwan guns?
Playtest next Friday 3/21
Are there any mods to bump up the polycount and texture resolution for this game?
EGS login in a nutshell
You can now safely exchange your testicles at the Suspicious Person Snap Counter.
Is there someone here who knows japanese could verify if Google's translation is right or wrong?
[Steam] Doom ($1.99 / 90% Off)