Why do people that goes to public/private school hate homeschoolers?
What phone policies yall got at school
15m just finished school for the day AMA
Songs where they announce what song or artist you're listening to
what’s up, here’s some stuff I done diddly did
When people wanna call me out but I end being right…
Someone play truth or dare
Best types of pants?
Recently took this pic while riding, lmk if it looks ok or no
Do you guys like alchohol?
Can the boys help me fool the girls on this one?
stop it.
[14m] I must discuss music!
Songs People Call By the Wrong Title
What’s the general consensus on making your own merch for bands that have their own for sale?
Want to talk about music?
[14m] Anyone want to talk music?
What’s y’all’s music taste?
How do I get girls to like me
Of all your T-Shirts with a phrase/sentence on, what's your favourite?
How is eye color like taco bell?
What is this
I Made Block Blast Mode on my phone