What game completely redefined your understanding of what a video could be?
If you could erase your memory to replay one game fresh, which would it be?
What game mechanic blew your mind?
Which game sequel completely ruined the original’s legacy?
If all games suddenly became real, which would be the most terrifying/awesome?
Gamers of reddit, in your opinion, what is a game that everyone should play at least once?
If you had to live in a game’s world for a month, which would you choose?
People who forgave a cheating partner, what ultimately made you stay?
If you could send a 30-second message to your 10-year-old self, how would you phrase it to actually be believed?
What’s the most absurd way you’ve cheated death?
When was the first time a game’s story made you cry?
What game do you think is underrated?
Which game’s soundtrack do you still listen to years later?
What game left you feeling empty after finishing it?
Could you please recommend some vr games?
Are there any action adventure VR game worth playing?