Fun detail in 11.1: For Gnome players, NPCs in Undermine will randomly leave their regular pathing to run up and insult you
Does the Light of the Loa burn the Forsaken, too?
New Glacial Advance animation
I think of all the hero talents I’m probably most disappointed by the Druid ones
Herald of the Sun (Hero Spec inspired transmog)
Thrall, the Warchief | Software used: ZBrush, Blender, Photoshop, PureRef, Premiere. Hope you like it! I'm happy to hear your feedback. 😊
I noticed Beledar is mentionted in A Thousand Years of War short story
I miss my class order hall
Decided to kill Zek'vir after seeing the recent post.
Why do we have to start out as Bruce banner
Overwatch 2 x Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gameplay Trailer
Final 11.0.5 Nerub'ar Palace Mythic - Spec Popularity vs Average Overall DPS
what customisations would you add ??
The Easter Egg I believe almost no one got from Captain Marvel (2019)
Am I the only one bothered by having arrows while using rifle ?
What is something you would uncanon in WoW lore?
Let Dracthyr pick any race as their visage form. Why do the aspects keep the knowledge from us?
What characters do you think had the most wasted potential?
Upcoming Class Tuning on the Weekly Reset - Warlock & Warrior Buffs
New Paladin Card Revealed - Yrel, Beacon of Hope
Agatha All Along S01E06 - Discussion Thread
Is there a lore explanation to why there is a fucking window to the void above the City of Threads in Azj'Kahet?
So was just reading lore wiki last night and read most current info on Sylvanas.
Just finished Dawntrail, what the hell was that?